Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Charmi cute Dancing in The Rain-Attractive Pics

 I don't think about Charmi-Cute Actress much anymore.
Frankly, the topic has become a bore.
And you don't come up much in my conversations.
And I don't think about you on vacation.
Oh, but when it rains.
 I don't think about you when I'm sleeping.
Oh, it doesn't even cross my dream-like mind. (Oh)
And I don't think I see your face through the curtain.
Hell, I don't even miss you half the time. (Half the time)
Oh, when it rains. When it rains. When it rains.
That's when I remember. (I remember)

Yeah, that's when I remember. (I remember)
I remember you. (Oh, I remember you)
I remember you.
Rain, rain, go away.
I'm doing fine as long as you stay locked up inside a cloud of grey.
 Rain, rain. Rain, rain, rain. Rain, rain. Rain. Rain!
'Charmi-Cute Actresse when it rains. Yeah, when it rains. When it rains.
That's when I remember.
Yeah, that's when I remember.
 When it rains. When it rains.
That's when I remember. (I remember)
I remember you. (Oh, I remember you)That's when I remember. (I remember)
The only time I remember. (I remember)
I remember you. (Oh, I remember you) I remember you.


Ditulis Oleh : Unknown Hari: 06:31 Kategori:


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